Monday, November 28, 2011

Elvis Costello: la disquera los esta choreando, compren música de Louis Armstrong, y obtengan mi musica por "medios no convencionales"

Elvis Costello addresses his fans in an editorial called "Steal This Record," in which he notes the absurdity of the price set by his label on "The Return Of The Spectacular Spinning Songbook," a live CD and DVD combination priced at $262.46 ("either a misprint or a satire"). He laments that his label has refused to budge on the price, and recommends that his fans not buy this, referring would-be gift-givers instead to a fine-looking Louis Armstrong gift box called Ambassador of Jazz ("Frankly, the music is vastly superior."). Mr Costello concludes:

If on the other hand you should still want to hear and view the component parts of the above mentioned elaborate hoax, then those items will be available separately at a more affordable price in the New Year, assuming that you have not already obtained them by more unconventional means.

Steal This Record

Friday, November 25, 2011

Del arte de ponerle nombres a los lagos en Canadá

Canadá es un país de lagos. También de policías a caballo con un uniforme de lo más pintoresco, pero no viene al caso. Hablemos de los lagos de Canadá. Pongamos por ejemplo la provincia de Quebec. Tiene un millón y medio largo de kilómetros cuadrados de superficie, de los cuales un 12%, o sea, 180.000 km2 son lagos y ríos. Ciento ochenta mil kilómetros cuadrados. Son más o menos 18 millones de campos de fútbol, en la unidad estándar de superficie en la televisión. En toda Canadá la superficie del país ocupada por agua dulce (lagos y ríos) alcanza casi 900.000 kilómetros cuadrados, lo que viene siendo lo que miden países como Egipto o Venezuela. Se desconoce el número exacto de lagos que existen en el país. Ni siquiera se han molestado en contarlos. La última vez que lo hicieron fue en 1973 y contaron 31.752 de más de tres kilómetros cuadrados de superficie. Si contamos las lagunas, los estanques y los demás pedazos de agua esparcidos por todo el país la cifra se dispara hasta los ¡dos millones! Y eso sin contar los charcos que deja la lluvia. Lo que decía al principio. Un país de lagos.

Seguir leyendo: Del arte de ponerle nombres a los lagos en Canadá

Na na na na na na na na li-der

Querido YouTube

Dear YouTube

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

El video más loco de la historia

Dice kottke:

I've been on the web for 17 years now, I'm a professional link finder, and I have never in my life seen anything like these guys performing on an Indian talent show. They *start off* by biting into fluorescent light bulbs and it just gets more nuts from there.


Trippy! (Via Imaginary Foundation)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saludos del Futuro

Mientras lees esto, hay robots cruzando a nado el Océano Pacífico.
(Via Rowan Hooper)

Enter the Void

Una entrevista muy interesante con Tom Kan, el diseñador de los títulos de apertura de Enter the Void, la última película de Gaspar Noé.

This image has no alt text

Like sighs from a scythe in a wheat field of psychosis, the opening title sequence for Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void is a melting onslaught of typographic design foisted upon the senses. This unrelenting visual overdose hacks pleasurably at the viewer, as the tip of a nail does finding its destiny. Names become bright little deaths fired to a machine gun beat; the images encircle your pupils as LFO’s Freak drives the nail deeper.

Enter the Void

Monday, November 21, 2011

Leonardo da Vinci's to-do list

While travelling, Leonardo kept a small notebook at the ready for notes and sketching. In one of these notebooks, he listed a number of things he wished to accomplish in one week or month in the late 1490s.

Leonardo to-do list

What a jumble! Cannons, wall construction, studying the sun, ice skating in Flanders, optics, and that oh-so-casual, "Draw Milan." It's like his mind could wander off in any direction at any time. How did he concentrate? How did he focus?

Maybe he went in and out, plunging into a task that concentrated him fully, and then, once done, he'd spring back to the rough and tumble of Anything Goes. Great minds can go as they please.

Another giant, Michel Montaigne, the inventor of the essay, wrote that no single idea could hold him. "I cannot keep my subject still," he wrote. "It goes along, befuddled and staggering, with a natural drunkenness."

I like being drunk like that.

(via sly oyster)


(Via Imaginary Foundation)

Todas las Barbas

Jon Dyer es un maestro del vello facial. Desde el 2003, se dejó crecer 3 docenas de barbas/bigotes diferentes y todavía sigue. "The Quest For Every Beard Type"
(Via BoingBoing)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wisdom of the Ancients

All long help threads should have a sticky globally-editable post at the top saying 'DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far ...'

All long help threads should have a sticky globally-editable post at the top saying 'DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far ...'

Wilderthorn filma covers a pedido de los fans

In an attempt to connect with his audience, Wilderthorn asked fans to send in song requests, and he would be covering the best ones to post online. The result, thus far, is four impressive short films in which Wilderthorn covers “Someday” by The Strokes, “The One I Love”, “Reckoner” by Radiohead and “Wake Up” by Arcade Fire.

Wilderthorn – Wake Up (Arcade Fire Cover)

Wildernthorn – Reckoner (Radiohead Cover)

Wilderthorn – The One I Love (R.E.M. cover)

Wilderthorn – Someday (The Strokes Cover)

El material más liviano del mundo

Un material nuevo diseñado por cientificos de la UC Irvine es el "más liviano del mundo".

The new material redefines the limits of lightweight materials because of its unique “micro-lattice” cellular architecture. The researchers were able to make a material that consists of 99.99 percent air by designing the 0.01 percent solid at the nanometer, micron and millimeter scales. “The trick is to fabricate a lattice of interconnected hollow tubes with a wall thickness 1,000 times thinner than a human hair,” said lead author Dr. Tobias Schaedler of HRL.

The material’s architecture allows unprecedented mechanical behavior for a metal, including complete recovery from compression exceeding 50 percent strain and extraordinarily high energy absorption.

Multidisciplinary team of researchers develop world’s lightest material

(Via Boing Boing)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sonidos que ya no existen

Sientanse viejos escuchando estos 11 sonidos obsoletos.

(Via Andrew Moseman)

24 horas de fotos

Erik Kessels imprimió todas las fotos públicas subidas a Flickr en 1 día.

Monika Grzymala

Insuperable timelapse desde la ISS

Insuperable timelapse desde la ISS:

Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.

Esta recopilación en HD realizada por Michael König nos ofrece un viaje alrededor de nuestro planeta como nunca habíamos soñado. Para apagar la luz, encender los altavoces y ponerse un gin-tonic.

(via Fogonazos)